Salesforce Integration Master Course is updated!

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six months

in self learning

It takes less than a minute, and just might be the best decision you'll make all day

#How To videos
#Real world Exmaples
#Interview Questions
#Hands-On etc.


Pricing plans for all your needs

Choose an affordable plan that better suits your needs and requirements.


It's less than 4 star bucks coffees!

$ 19/month

Buy plan
Cards and UPI accepted
  • Access to all courses
  • Automatic access to everything that I produce in future (you need to have an active monthly plan)
  • Discussion Group
  • Every "month" your subscription will be renewed

Life Time Plan

Most popular

Pay once and use it for the rest of your life!

$ 249/life time

Buy plan
Cards and UPI accepted
  • Access to all courses for life time
  • Automatic access to everything that I produce in future
  • Discussion Group
  • You "never" have to pay for anything for the rest of your life
  • Life Time FREE updates


If you dont like renewals, this if for you!

$ 149/year

Buy plan
Cards and UPI accepted
  • Access to all courses
  • Automatic access to everything that I produce in future (you need to have an active yearly plan)
  • Discussion Group
  • Every "year" your subscription will be renewed

Frequently asked questions

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