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Javascript for Lightning Web Components [FREE]

By now you would have know that Lightning Web Components is around the corner and you would need good command on JavaScript concepts to write better Components.

Salesforce Administration Training


22 Episodes - 2.6 Hours

    • 4 mins
    • 42.3 MB
    Few fundamentals
    • 3 mins
    • 54.5 MB
    A little about versions
    • 2 mins
    • 10.9 MB
    Creating variables using var, let and const
    • 9 mins
    • 55 MB
    Lexical Grammer
    • 8 mins
    • 116 MB
    DataTypes in JavaScript
    • 4 mins
    • 43.6 MB
    Object Type in JavaScript
    • 8 mins
    • 114 MB
    Regular Function, Function Expression, Named function expressions and Arrow Functions
    • 2 mins
    • 20.4 MB
    Arrow Functions
    • 8 mins
    • 118 MB
    Destructuring Objects & Arrays
    • 9 mins
    • 147 MB
    All about Loops
    • 11 mins
    • 167 MB
    What's Variable & Function Hoisting?
    • 4 mins
    • 58 MB
    Rest Operator, Spread Operator & Differences
    • 5 mins
    • 69.5 MB
    Everything you need to know about Arrays
    • 18 mins
    • 195 MB
    Immediately Invoked Function Expressions [IIFE]
    • 2 mins
    • 26.6 MB
    this keyword in JavaScript
    • 5 mins
    • 48.6 MB
    continue and break
    • 3 mins
    • 26.3 MB
    Map Object in JavaScript
    • 8 mins
    • 116 MB
    Set Object in JavaScript
    • 5 mins
    • 65.8 MB
    Event Listeners in JavaScript
    • 12 mins
    • 204 MB
    A few things about Promises
    • 17 mins
    • 203 MB
    Things to know about Async-Await
    • 6 mins
    • 91 MB

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