Salesforce Integration Master Course is updated!

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Build Real Projects with Lightning

Whose not interested in building real projects? Why the wait then .. Lets get started.

Salesforce Administration Training


21 Episodes - 3.5 Hours

URL Shortener App
    Building URL Shortener from scratch using REST API
    • 17 mins
    • 445 MB
    Beautify URL shortener - sneak peak into Lightning Grid System
    • 8 mins
    • 248 MB
Coding clone with Lightning Framework
    Getting started with creating a subreddit and a grid view.
    • 8 mins
    • 318 MB
    Introducing Data Attributes and handling navigations in clone.
    • 13 mins
    • 469 MB
    Making Subreddit details page functional using Attribute Syncing
    • 19 mins
    • 670 MB
    Implementing Upvote and Downvote functionality
    • 12 mins
    • 425 MB
    DOM Traversing in Lightning Framework.
    • 21 mins
    • 816 MB
    Schema for fully functional Voting Component
    • 4 mins
    • 188 MB
    Datastore of the voting data
    • 8 mins
    • 307 MB
    Bug Fixes - Part 1
    • 8 mins
    • 333 MB
    Bug Fixes - Part 2
    • 13 mins
    • 479 MB
    Building Search Component from Scratch
    • 16 mins
    • 663 MB
    Adding Keyboard Shortcuts(Access Keys) to interact with Lightning Tags
    • 2 mins
    • 50.3 MB
    Working with Key Codes in Lightning Framework
    • 3 mins
    • 42.4 MB
File Uploader
    Bulk file uploader component
    • 12 mins
    • 323 MB
Hacking DataTable Component
    Exploring Features, Limitations and Work arounds.
    • 14 mins
    • 269 MB
    Custom DataTable with Picklist field - Part 1
    • 8 mins
    • 159 MB
    Custom Data Table with Picklist field - Part 2
    • 8 mins
    • 122 MB
    Custom Data Table with Picklist field - Part 3
    • 10 mins
    • 147 MB
    Processing JS object to display data in custom format - Part 4
    • 4 mins
    • 54 MB
    Custom Data Table with Picklist field - Part 5
    • 2 mins
    • 30.4 MB

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